To all the Chi Delta Phollowers:
At the close of another busy week when most students have finished their classes and have headed back to their dorms or apartments to relax, hang out with friends, and get ready for the festivities of a Friday night the Chi Delts are found to still be hard at work, exemplifying the Christian attitude of servitude as they make a wonderful dinner for their brothers of Christ, the Beta Sigs. Dinner consisted of meatball subs, salad, pasta salad, corn, and cookies for dessert. With so many expert cooks in the kitchen the actual making dinner part was a breeze, it was the process of finding enough plates, cups, and chairs for everyone that presented a real challenge. Eventually everyone was seated, thanks was given to God, and the eating commenced. Everything was delicious, which the Beta Sigs readily admitted as well! Everyone got to know each other better and a good time was had by all! In exchange for all the good food, abundant leftovers, and wonderful company, we let the boys tackle the dishes! Although by the look of some of their "clean" dishes in their cupboards that may not have been such a good idea... Next time the boys can make us dinner and we'll do the dishes! And now it's on to another week, the final full week before Thanksgiving break! We should all take time each day up to Thanksgiving thanking God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us. Mine today: my Chi Delta Phi sisters!! God's Blessings, The Chi Delts P.s. I've posted a few pictures that were taken during the preparation but unfortunately I totally forgot to take any during the actual dinner... I guess my thoughts were just too preoccupied with all the yummy food I was eating!!
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April 2016
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